Friday, May 22, 2009

Are you with the bride? Or the failure?

You know, I haven't really watched this in its entirety since it aired in 1993. I have it on VHS somewhere -- I think it's either on the tape of me being interviewed on the news while taking drivers-ed (braces FTW) or on the tape of the 1994 Winter Olympics figure skating competition -- but I haven't really pulled it out in a while. (Partially because I no longer own a VCR...) So I don't know if it's still as funny as it once was or if I am just easily amused. (It's a toss-up.) Regardless, I still quote it in every day life... 

(sing-song) "He failed to bring back the sam-po! So we shall die of star-va-tion!"

"All rise. Santa Claus is now entering the lodge."
"Why is he wearing a Hershey's kiss on his head?"

"Failure! Failure! He is a failure!"

"Ever eat a pine tree? Many parts are edible." (Yes, I know that this one was a shout-out to something else...)

I guess I should tell you what "this" and "it" is... Mystery Science Theater 3000's take on "The Day The Earth Froze." I was thrilled to find it online so that I can share it and watch it whenever I need a pick-me-up. Enjoy!

(I should note that the episode starts off with a short film entitled "Here Comes The Circus," so don't be confused. Cheesy Swedish goodness will start shortly thereafter.)

Also, here's today's Pretty Song Download of the Day: Rob Dickinson's cover of "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want." Now go and purchase the entire album!

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