Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's been one week...

Well, technically, but still.

As I mentioned in my last post, I gave soda up for Lent this year. The idea was to give up something you depended on and I could think of nothing I depended on more than my morning Diet Coke. Given that I had pretty much given up on Diet Coke -- which I had started calling Diet Stroke after my mother staged a one-woman intervention at El Cholo -- I decided that giving it up for Lent would technically be cheating. So, I gave up all soda.

My last soda was on Monday, March 7. Technically. I have to admit that I ordered an Ocean Water at Sonic on Sunday, not remembering that it had Sprite in it. I did, however, stop drinking it as soon as I realized.

But yes. It's been one week and it's actually been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I feel a lot better and I haven't even craved soda. AT ALL. In fact, the thought of soda makes me go bleeeeeeechhhh.


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