Monday, January 11, 2010

My Nephew is Cute (Part Two)

So, there's been a running thing between my brother and my nephew for several years now. After we decided to call his Blackout Transformer "Blackie" (a shooey girl's name, apparently), Brayden decided to get "Uncle Mike" (my brother) a "Hello Kitty" card for his birthday this year. In "retaliation," my brother got Brayden something special for Christmas...

He then decided to re-gift to my Uncle Rick. The glee with which this kid does it is absolutely adorable. He can't even sit still.

I miss that kid.


moye said...

I can't wait to see how far this "thing" goes. And that's a brilliant gift idea for a boy. :)

The Wonder Worrier said...

These videos are all great!

My youngest brother and my uncle have an on-going thing going where Scooter tells my uncle that he wears "ladies underwear" or "ladies slippers", ladies anything really... and in return my uncle asks Scooter if he's eating, "ballerina soup" (with soup said in a really high-pitched voice) or "ballerina meatloaf", ballerina whatever. It's pretty funny.