Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I am sore ashamed.

For the first year ever, I didn't send out Christmas cards. I mean, I bought the cards. I have four boxes that almost coordinate with my wrapping paper du jour (thank you, Target). I even lugged them home in my suitcase with the intention of getting them sent out during all the free time I imagined having once my puddlejumper touched down in San Angelo. All that free time has been taken up with gatos and dachshunds and shopping (gross) and wrapping presents and nice, long chats with my daddy in the kitchen.

Instead, the boxes of cards will be boxed up with my presents and shipped back to Los Angeles. Better luck next year. Instead, I'm doing a blog Christmas card:

(Click me! I get big!)

It's been a good year. Thanks for being a part of it.
Here's to 2010!

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