Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chick Lit Cliche # 483208: Weight Loss

What's more of a chick-lit cliche than weight loss? Well, okay, probably a lot of things, but weight loss is a pretty big one. Good in Bed? The Cinderella Pact? (Both great books, by the way.) To catch you up, I got pretty big in college, to the point of some kind family members asking if I would go to Weight Watchers if they paid for it. Ironically, this proposition was made at a Mexican food restaurant as I was downing a large chile relleno. But, in the end, I joined. And though I was a slow starter, I started losing weight. I was really bad about going to meetings -- I just didn't really enjoy myself. But I remember stepping on the scale one day to discover that I'd lost fifteen pounds without realizing it. I was hooked at that point. I had started Weight Watchers at 175 pounds and eventually got down to 129 pounds a year later. And, not to sound full of myself or anything, but damn I was hot. Here's a bit of a comparison:

This is me in 2000. I'm not sure exactly how much I weighed, but I'm going to guess this was right around 180 pounds. Then again, this was also before my breast reduction surgery, so I looked heavier than I really was. Nevertheless, I never want to look like this again.

These next two pictures are from my sister Stephanie's wedding in January 2003. I'm on the far left in the first picture, and just to the left of the bride in the second.

And now, here I am at what I consider my "hottest ever." See, once I lost all that weight, a metaphorical weight was lifted, too. I moved to Los Angeles during the initial stages of Weight Watchers, but I have to say that losing that weight worked in my favor. I came out of my shell. I actually felt pretty, and for the first time in my adult life, entertained the thought that other people might think that, too. It was an incredibly exciting time.

Since that victorious moment of discovering that I had broken the 130-pound barrier in 2004, I've managed to slowly put on 25 pounds. It has killed me. I'm finding myself reverting back to the person I was when I weighed 170+. You can bet that I very rarely even think that other people think I'm pretty or hot. And I hate shopping -- though that shouldn't be surprising. When I was dropping a size every time I stepped in a dressing room, it was fun. Now, it's going the other way and it has to stop.

It will.

A little over a month ago, people in my office decided to do our own Biggest Loser competition. I have lost a few pounds, but it's not nearly what I wanted to do. I've just taken up running about two weeks ago (and enjoying it!) and today decided to really and truly go back on WW. (I say "really and truly" because I've said it in the past and that's lasted all of two days.) Money is a bit tight at the moment, so my WW is primarly self-regulated. I have the point books and calculator and, as much as I loathe it, will be food journaling.

I have a Texas wedding to go to next month. My own thirtieth birthday in April. An East Coast bar mitzvah in May. Do I think I'll be where I want to be even by May? No, but even a little bit will help. And, who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself.

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