Thursday, April 19, 2007

You look ridiculous.

I'm sure there's some deep psychological explanation for this, but I was humored to realize that when I go home, I always want to look as L.A. (translation: ridiculous) as possible. Big sunglasses, nice jeans, a big purse. When I come back to L.A., I'm always as "Texas" as possible. Jeans, a t-shirt/sweatshirt, sneakers. When I came back in March, I wore fuzzy flip-flops that my sister made for me -- and didn't bat an eyelash. Bizarre.

The funny thing is that I look more ridiculous than I do on a normal basis. I'm a non-hipster Silver Lake girl (whatever that really is). I'm a huge fan of my GAP jeans and Target workout britches. But I can't resist getting all gussied up for a plane ride. Now, the sunglasses thing? That won't exactly be necessary/possible anymore. San Angelo now has jetways at Mathis Field -- excuse me, San Angelo Regional Airport -- so I can't be all cool when I come down the little airplane steps. Or I can, but wearing sunglasses INDOORS would be taking the ridiculous a little too far. (And if I see you wearing sunglasses INDOORS in L.A., you can bet that I'm thinking about how stupid you look.)

It's probably a confidence thing or some attempt at defining myself to people. Who knows. It is what it is -- and trying to figure it out beyond that is giving me a headache. I think I'll just sit here and listen to Coldplay and sip on my hot chocolate.

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