Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First World Problem

Is it really too much to ask for there to be a cute dog-t out there that says "Weasley is our king"?

That's not just a First World Problem. That's, like, a Half World Problem.

Here's the basic gist of it: I have a new dog. He doesn't live with me, but he is my boy and he is precious. He's a six month old half dachshund, half beagle, which means he's just the most delightful little ball of energy ever. I found him on PetFinder and my mom and stepdad, wonderful people that they are, couldn't resist his sad face and went to rescue him from the pound.

Anyway, I decided that his name would be Barnabas because I always wanted a beagle named Barnabas. I like alliteration. That said, I already technically have a pet named Barney. My cat, Mr. Rubble, is actually named Barney, so my stepdad was kind of mrah mrah about it and I had to come up with something else...

Given that I'm a big Harry Potter fan -- not reciting-The-Mysterious-Ticking-Noise-in-the-concessions-line big, but quite large -- and given that he's a ginger who likes to do the dog version of bickering with my mom's prissy and highly-intelligent (if not always logical) dog, I decided to name him after my favorite character. Meet Weasley, everyone...

"It's me. I'm extremely famous."

So, tonight I decided that he needed a "Weasley Is Our King" doggie t-shirt. I found one that I liked until I enlarged the picture. Um, it's "Weasley is OUR King," not "Weasley is MY King." It's LeviOsa, not LevioSAR. Sadly, that was the only doggie-t like that. And I can't bloody well have Weasley wearing a shirt that says he's his own king. That's a bit conceited, don't you think? I want something cute and stylish like this, only for dogs. Can someone hook a girl up?

Weasley is our king! Weasley is our king! He didn't let the quaffle in! Weasley is our king!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Please don't judge me...

So, I'm considering going home. Maybe not for good, but it certainly wouldn't be a simple vacation.
  • "Going home" has such a negative connotation out here. I feel like saying one is "going home" is akin to admitting defeat or giving up on the dream. It's awkward saying it out loud. Heck, it's awkward just typing the words. I've thought about it before and, in the past, have laughed it off. I'd be lying, though, if I wasn't seriously considering it this time, though.
  • This place is an expensive place to live. Other than my 401K, I've not been able to build up any real savings and, with the economy being like it is, that bothers me. Every instinct I have is to "hunker down" -- go back to Kansas West Texas, move back in with my parents for a few month (they've all offered), pay off some debt and build up some savings. I've already had two job offers -- can you believe it? Maybe someday I can buy a house, because barring some kind of financial windfall, I will never own property in Los Angeles. I've had to accept that.
  • I miss my family. Plain and simple. I love living in California and I love the freedom that comes from being on my own, but I miss my family. My youngest nephew doesn't even know me. He wouldn't let me hold him at Christmas. I'd be lying if I said that didn't sting a little. I miss being able to hug my dad whenever I want to. I miss long chats in the living room with Nancy. I miss cooking and cleaning with my mom. I miss goofing with Craig. I miss being able to go and sit in the recliner at my Nana's and listen to her delightful accent -- a blend of Minnesotan with years of Texan. I miss going to the truck stop to get a Coke with Grandma and Grandpa. I miss being a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, and an aunt. Not that I can't be those things out here, but it's easier to be there for birthday dinners, surgeries, and other events when you can hop in the car and just go. Yes, my career and my dreams are important to me -- but my family is most important.
  • Let's be honest. A writer writes. I haven't done a darn thing in forever. Not because I haven't wanted to -- I just can't. I am so writer's blocked it's not even funny. And the writer's block makes me not even want to try. I think I'm stressed about a lot of things and I think that's a big cause of it. I can't help but feel like getting out of a stressful environment will help in that respect. My career is going nowhere at this point. Yesterday, I celebrated my five year anniversary with this company. I'm still in the same position that I was when I first started. I get paid decently for an assistant and the benefits are great (save for not covering orthodontia -- yes, I'm bitter), but I honestly feel like I'm stuck in the mud at this point.
  • All the boys I've dated (or even nearly dated) here suck. Well, they don't suck, but it's a bit frustrating when you're stood up, canceled on, or not called after the first date. Makes me think there's something wrong with me. Not in the "I'm defective" way, but in the 2 + 2 = 4 way. (Yay, math!)
So, here's the plan. If I do go back to Texas, I do not plan on giving up my entertainment industry ties or dreams. I'd like to get hired on at some companies to do script coverage. (Yay, technology!) I'll keep looking for material to be produced. I'll come to L.A. to pitch (and eat In-n-Out and go to Disneyland...).

Look, this isn't a done deal. I don't know for sure if it's going to happen. Heck, someone from my dream job could call in the next day and change it all. It's what I'm thinking about, though. A lot. And it excites me, but it also makes me really sad. Why can't decisions be easy?

On a happier note, have you seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2), yet? If not, GO. Lovely movie, but take your tissues. The cute wittle babies have all grown up.